Sunday, April 29, 2012

Blog Post 13

colored bars on television

For this post we were supposed to "fast" from technology and then right a report on our success or failure. I am happy to say that I was successful in completing this project. My laptop messes up a lot and likes to shut itself down regualarly so staying away from it for 24 hours was not a problem. Plus given that my mother and sister like to have me go out and about with them made things simpler; we spent a lot of the day in our pool and sitting on the back porch talking. I think the part that made this fast so easy for me is that I don't like watching television I would rather lay in bed reading a good book, granted most of the time I listen to music too, but my MP3 player broke this week so everything was in my favor.

I think that when my future student arrive in the classroom they will be only slightly uncomfortable with how little technology is present, especially since I want to teach Kindergarten; they barely use technology at that age, I think the thing they will miss the most will be television, but that is where educational movies and some YouTube clips will come in handy.

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