Sunday, February 12, 2012

C4T #1 - Welcome To Ms. Lara's Jungle

Krispy Kreme Donut Logo
Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser
In this post, Ms. Laura posted the start and end dates of the fundraiser her school did, particularly her 4-k students. The fundraiser was to raise money for the end of the year program or graduation. I left a comment introducing myself and then telling her that I hope she raised enough money and that all the kids were able to participate in a pizza party that was being held for those who sold a certain number of certificates.

Reaching out into the community, even in 4-K!
In her latest post, Ms. Lara Bishop talked about the charity work she and her class did for their community and how proud she is of her class. In my comment I told her that I loved that she got her students involved in an early age and that I am proud that they were willing to help.

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